Automated Letter Series

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You can create a series of Letters that will be sent to your subscriber list automatically, starting from the moment they confirm their subscription.

This automated follow-up is a vital tool for marketers - your Letters are sent to your Leads in order, at the time interval you specify, without any further action from you!

Selecting Letters for an Automated Series

After you have created some Letters , you can select them for use in your Automated Series either one at a time, or by selecting multiple letters with the checkboxes on the right.

AutoSeries-select1.png AutoSeries-selectMulti.png

Ordering Your Automated Series Letter Delays

When you have selected the Letters you wish to use, you must now determine their order.


You can order your letters by setting delay values manually, or by dragging the letters up and down. Note: Only one automated letter will be sent per day.

As time passes, the subscriber will receive the subsequent letters in your Campaign in the order you have specified.


In the above example:

  • When a new subscriber joins this Campaign, they will receive the Letter #1 - marked with a "0".
  • When one day passes, they will receive Letter #2.
  • When three days have passed, they will receive Letter #3.

Later on, your subscribers can be "recycled" to restart to automated series, or can be chained to another Campaign when they have finished an Automated Letter Series.

See Also

Recycling Subscribers

Create an Automated "Flow": Campaign Chaining

AutoResponder Video Training